Wedgewood Gray Bedroom

Wedgewood Gray Bedroom


Benjamin Moore Wedgewood Gray / HC-146 / #adc0be Hex Color Code

#adc0be Paint ChipThe hexadecimal color code #adc0be is a medium light shade of cyan. In the RGB color model #adc0be is comprised of 67.84% red, 75.29% green and 74.51% blue. In the HSL color space #adc0be has a hue of 174° (degrees), 13% saturation and 72% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 493.71 nm.

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  1. The person divides with the palm the red and green figures of people. Orbiter, the solution of controversial issues and conflicts of interest. Stop the conflict, the mediator. Dispute resolution.
  2. Gloved Hand Over Drifted Snow
  3. Technician is turning off emergency shutdown button

Color Variations

  • Inverted
  • 25% saturated
  • Grayscale
  • 25% lighter
  • Original
  • 25% darker
  • Web safe: silver
  • 25% desaturated
  • HTML: silver

Related Named Colors

  • Closely Related

    1. Opal
    2. Ash gray
    3. Pastel blue
    4. Jet stream
    5. Silver sand
  • Intermediately Related

    1. Daffodil
    2. Metallic Sunburst
    3. Yellow
      #ffff00 / #ff0
    4. Giants orange
    5. Pale Brown
  • Distantly Related

    1. Rich black (FOGRA39)
    2. Vampire black
    3. Rich black (FOGRA29)
    4. Smoky black
    5. Dark Navy

Color Schemes

Download: GIMP GPL Adobe ASE (Adobe Swatch Exchange) Sketch Palette

Monochromatic Colors

  1. #8a9c9a
  2. #95a8a6
  3. #a1b4b2
  4. #adc0be
  5. #b9ccca
  6. #c5d9d7
  7. #d2e5e3

Tints and Shades

#adc0be to white

  1. #adc0be
  2. #bacac9
  3. #c8d5d3
  4. #d5dfde
  5. #e3eae9
  6. #f1f4f4
  7. #ffffff / #fff

#adc0be to black

  1. #adc0be
  2. #8e9d9b
  3. #707b7a
  4. #535b5b
  5. #383d3d
  6. #1f2121
  7. #000000 / #000


Exact Matching Paints

  • Wedgewood Gray / HC-146

    Benjamin Moore

Similar Paints

  1. Martha Stewart Living

    1. ★ Aquatic Green B32
      #abbfbc ΔE = 0.723 / LRV ≈ 49.5%
    2. Atlantic B29
      #b5c1b6 ΔE = 4.890 / LRV ≈ 51.3%
  2. Homebase

    1. ★ Duck Egg
      #afc3c2 ΔE = 1.185 / LRV ≈ 52.0%
    2. Sage
      #aec3ba ΔE = 3.427 / LRV ≈ 51.6%
  3. Bristol

    1. ★ Sky Cloud / P120-C3
      #a9bebe ΔE = 1.372 / LRV ≈ 49.0%
    2. Ocean Dream / P228-N3
      #bbc2c3 ΔE = 3.989 / LRV ≈ 53.1%
  4. Tikkurila

    1. ★ 4905
      #b0c4c1 ΔE = 1.463 / LRV ≈ 52.6%
    2. 4906
      #9fb6b3 ΔE = 4.158 / LRV ≈ 44.1%
  5. Pantone / PMS

    1. ★ 7542
      #b0bfbf ΔE = 1.465 / LRV ≈ 50.3%
    2. 442
      #babdba ΔE = 4.610 / LRV ≈ 50.4%
  6. General Paint

    1. ★ Holland / CL 3032W
      #b2c0bf ΔE = 1.488 / LRV ≈ 50.9%
    2. Cavern / CL 3077N
      #bdc8ca ΔE = 4.673 / LRV ≈ 56.4%
  7. ICI Paints

    1. ★ Library Hall 90GG 53/048
      #b2c0bf ΔE = 1.488 / LRV ≈ 50.9%
    2. Cornice Blue 10BG 54/104
      #a4c3c5 ΔE = 3.607 / LRV ≈ 51.0%
  8. Ford

    1. ★ Light Aegean
      #aebfc0 ΔE = 1.585 / LRV ≈ 50.1%
    2. Light Aspen
      #a7b6b8 ΔE = 3.984 / LRV ≈ 45.1%
  9. Natural Color System / NCS

    1. ★ S 2010-B30G
      #a7bdbc ΔE = 1.587 / LRV ≈ 48.2%
    2. S 2005-B
      #bcc0c1 ΔE = 4.551 / LRV ≈ 52.2%
  10. Sherwin-Williams

    1. ★ Rain - 6219
      #abbebf ΔE = 1.604 / LRV ≈ 49.2%
    2. Festoon Aqua - 0019
      #a0bbb8 ΔE = 3.270 / LRV ≈ 46.5%
  11. Farrow & Ball

    1. ★ Lulworth Blue / 89
      #aabebf ΔE = 1.648 / LRV ≈ 49.1%
    2. Dix Blue / 82
      #aac0b3 ΔE = 5.216 / LRV ≈ 49.5%
  12. Beckers

    1. ★ Isblå 784 / 1916-B49G
      #aec2c3 ΔE = 1.654 / LRV ≈ 51.5%
  13. Kelly-Moore

    1. ★ Mystic Lake / KM3861-2
      #acbeb9 ΔE = 1.660 / LRV ≈ 49.1%
    2. Grey Mist / KM3834-1
      #bcc2c1 ΔE = 3.972 / LRV ≈ 53.1%
  14. Nippon Paint

    1. ★ Steel Sting / NP N 2007 P
      #b0bebe ΔE = 1.704 / LRV ≈ 49.8%
    2. Blue Jumpers / NP N 1977 P
      #bac3c8 ΔE = 5.013 / LRV ≈ 53.6%
  15. Resene

    1. ★ Jungle Mist G80-014-201
      #b0c4c4 ΔE = 1.755 / LRV ≈ 52.7%
    2. Tiara N81-007-165
      #b9c3be ΔE = 3.415 / LRV ≈ 53.1%
  16. British Standard

    1. ★ BS381 697 - Light admiralty grey
      #a6bcba ΔE = 1.862 / LRV ≈ 47.6%
    2. BS 4800 16 C 33 - Duckegg / Duck egg blue
      #b4cdc7 ΔE = 4.843 / LRV ≈ 57.5%
  17. Laura Ashley

    1. ★ 41-7 Shallow Beach
      #b4c4c1 ΔE = 1.905 / LRV ≈ 53.0%
    2. 41-8 Rag Rug
      #babebd ΔE = 4.164 / LRV ≈ 50.9%
  18. Tollens

    1. ★ T2028-3
      #b3c2bd ΔE = 2.079 / LRV ≈ 51.8%
    2. T2145-6
      #acb5b2 ΔE = 4.362 / LRV ≈ 45.0%
  19. Lamborghini

    1. ★ Bianco Polo Weiss / 901
      #a7bdb8 ΔE = 2.160 / LRV ≈ 48.1%
  20. Ressource Peintures

    1. ★ Biscuit Vert / I13
      #b3c1c2 ΔE = 2.178 / LRV ≈ 51.6%
    2. Biscuit Vert / I14
      #afbfb4 ΔE = 4.420 / LRV ≈ 49.7%
  21. Taubmans

    1. Disc Jockey / T12 46.D9
      #a4bcbc ΔE = 2.400 / LRV ≈ 47.5%
    2. Thar She Blows / T10 45G-2
      #acc6cd ΔE = 4.963 / LRV ≈ 53.6%
  22. Focoltone

    1. 1016
      #aec1ba ΔE = 2.406 / LRV ≈ 50.7%
    2. 1043
      #a7bfb4 ΔE = 4.522 / LRV ≈ 48.8%
  23. Sto

    1. 36122
      #acc0b9 ΔE = 2.410 / LRV ≈ 50.0%
    2. 36234
      #b4bbb3 ΔE = 4.835 / LRV ≈ 48.5%
  24. Craig & Rose

    1. Grand Baie
      #adc0c3 ΔE = 2.452 / LRV ≈ 50.5%
  25. Coronado Paint

    1. 8345 - Sea Dreams
      #aec2bb ΔE = 2.452 / LRV ≈ 51.2%
    2. 7385 - Exotic Port
      #a2bdc3 ΔE = 4.503 / LRV ≈ 48.0%
  26. Vista Paint

    1. Sea Dreams
      #b1c6c1 ΔE = 2.478 / LRV ≈ 53.6%
    2. Quiet Cove
      #bcc7c3 ΔE = 3.936 / LRV ≈ 55.5%
  27. Berger

    1. Sea Dreams / 8345
      #b1c6c1 ΔE = 2.478 / LRV ≈ 53.6%
    2. Wintry Sky / 8314
      #b2b9b6 ΔE = 3.800 / LRV ≈ 47.5%
  28. Scib Paints

    1. Sea Dreams / 8345
      #b1c6c1 ΔE = 2.478 / LRV ≈ 53.6%
    2. Wintry Sky / 8314
      #b2b9b6 ΔE = 3.800 / LRV ≈ 47.5%
  29. Diamond Vogel

    1. Dreaming of the Day / 0470
      #b1c6c1 ΔE = 2.478 / LRV ≈ 53.6%
    2. Lighthouse View / 0476
      #bcc7c0 ΔE = 4.532 / LRV ≈ 55.3%
  30. Zoffany

    1. Stockholm Blue
      #afbbbb ΔE = 2.482 / LRV ≈ 48.2%
    2. Flint Grey
      #c0c5c3 ΔE = 4.815 / LRV ≈ 55.1%
  31. Olympic

    1. Blue Willow D61-3
      #a8b9b8 ΔE = 2.497 / LRV ≈ 46.5%
    2. Sea Sprite C61-2
      #b7cac5 ΔE = 3.828 / LRV ≈ 56.3%
  32. Chrysler

    1. Sterling Silver
      #b4c0c1 ΔE = 2.497 / LRV ≈ 51.3%
    2. Silver
      #b6babc ΔE = 4.769 / LRV ≈ 48.7%
  33. Clark+Kensington

    1. Silent Eyes / 32A-3
      #a9babb ΔE = 2.524 / LRV ≈ 47.1%
    2. Relaxation / 33A-3
      #a5bcbf ΔE = 3.066 / LRV ≈ 47.7%
  34. California Paints

    1. DE 6304 - Blustery Wind
      #b6c5c1 ΔE = 2.536 / LRV ≈ 53.7%
    2. DE 6325 - Crestline
      #b4bcbf ΔE = 4.039 / LRV ≈ 49.4%
  35. Benjamin Moore

    1. Rhine River / 689 / Homestead Green / AC-19
      #a5bcb7 ΔE = 2.567 / LRV ≈ 47.4%
    2. Yarmouth Blue / HC-150
      #b6c9ca ΔE = 3.657 / LRV ≈ 56.0%
  36. Earthpaint

    1. 5-35-3 Sky Cloud
      #aebbbc ΔE = 2.574 / LRV ≈ 48.2%
    2. 4-31-3 Arctic Sky
      #9cb7b8 ΔE = 4.548 / LRV ≈ 44.4%
  37. GM / General Motors

    1. Sea Bubble Gray
      #b5c7c4 ΔE = 2.650 / LRV ≈ 54.7%
    2. Gray
      #b2bec1 ΔE = 3.192 / LRV ≈ 50.1%
  38. Opaltone / OMS

    1. 5350
      #abbdb6 ΔE = 2.697 / LRV ≈ 48.4%
    2. 5304
      #a4c3c4 ΔE = 3.407 / LRV ≈ 50.9%
  39. CIL

    1. Canadian Sky
      #adbabb ΔE = 2.778 / LRV ≈ 47.6%
    2. Falling Rain
      #b1cbcf ΔE = 4.947 / LRV ≈ 56.6%
  40. Brighto Paints

    1. 5-29-3 Field Grey
      #b6c0bc ΔE = 2.791 / LRV ≈ 51.3%
    2. 5-27-3 Conifer Silver
      #b1cbc2 ΔE = 4.987 / LRV ≈ 56.0%
  41. Sico

    1. 6169-31 Northern Wash
      #b1c3c6 ΔE = 2.797 / LRV ≈ 52.5%
    2. 6162-31 Periscope Depth
      #b7c9c4 ΔE = 3.577 / LRV ≈ 55.8%
  42. Ralph Lauren

    1. Shoreline Blue / RLVM278
      #aebdc0 ΔE = 2.819 / LRV ≈ 49.2%
    2. Lisbon Blue / RLVM279
      #bacbcf ΔE = 5.248 / LRV ≈ 57.7%
  43. Paint & Paper Library

    1. Porcelain V
      #aebdc0 ΔE = 2.819 / LRV ≈ 49.2%
    2. Tablecloth
      #bac4c4 ΔE = 3.413 / LRV ≈ 53.9%
  44. Dulux Australia

    1. Blue Green / G71
      #afbcb6 ΔE = 2.860 / LRV ≈ 48.5%
    2. Zenith Heights / A312
      #a6c8c6 ΔE = 4.325 / LRV ≈ 53.5%
  45. Vallejo

    1. Vallejo 70.907 #153
      #aebbbd ΔE = 2.899 / LRV ≈ 48.2%
    2. Vallejo 70.997 #171
      #b4bcbb ΔE = 3.096 / LRV ≈ 49.3%
  46. 1829

    1. Swedish Blue
      #aec1c5 ΔE = 2.983 / LRV ≈ 51.2%
    2. Zinc
      #bac4c8 ΔE = 4.579 / LRV ≈ 54.1%
  47. Audi

    1. Islandgruen Metallic / 6E, LY7S
      #b7c7c3 ΔE = 2.998 / LRV ≈ 54.9%
    2. Crystal Blue Metallic/Kristallblau Metallic / 4J, 4J4J, LY7R
      #adb9ba ΔE = 3.124 / LRV ≈ 47.1%
  48. Peintures MF

    1. Retrouvailles
      #b6c6c7 ΔE = 3.006 / LRV ≈ 54.5%
    2. Carnaval de glace
      #b3c6c8 ΔE = 3.011 / LRV ≈ 54.1%

    1. 24-e4
      #a1bcb9 ΔE = 3.006 / LRV ≈ 47.0%
    2. 25-e3
      #a1c0c3 ΔE = 3.902 / LRV ≈ 49.2%
  50. Marston & Langinger

    1. Berrisford Blue
      #a3bdbf ΔE = 3.008 / LRV ≈ 47.9%
  51. LDV

    1. Ice White / N3NC
      #b6bebd ΔE = 3.035 / LRV ≈ 50.4%
  52. Colortrend

    1. Midsummer Night
      #b1c5c8 ΔE = 3.082 / LRV ≈ 53.4%
    2. Tudor Ice
      #bac7c8 ΔE = 3.780 / LRV ≈ 55.5%
  53. Jotun

    1. 6315 / Jade
      #b0bab6 ΔE = 3.155 / LRV ≈ 47.7%
    2. 5081 / Fabrikk
      #bbc0c0 ΔE = 4.090 / LRV ≈ 52.1%
  54. Wattyl

    1. Cool Mirage / A32W
      #b9c4c0 ΔE = 3.160 / LRV ≈ 53.6%
    2. Gracieux / A31W
      #c0c5c0 ΔE = 5.176 / LRV ≈ 54.9%
  55. Pratt & Lambert

    1. Bayou 24-28
      #b5c2bb ΔE = 3.186 / LRV ≈ 52.0%
    2. Maitland Blue 26-27
      #b9c6cb ΔE = 4.818 / LRV ≈ 55.0%
  56. Rodda Paint

    1. Sea Dreams 8345
      #b4c6bf ΔE = 3.212 / LRV ≈ 53.9%
    2. Mystic Lake 8344
      #a4b6b2 ΔE = 3.791 / LRV ≈ 44.6%
  57. Brillux

    1. 75.06.12
      #bac5c2 ΔE = 3.285 / LRV ≈ 54.3%
    2. 75.09.15
      #9cb4af ΔE = 5.241 / LRV ≈ 42.8%
  58. Rolls Royce

    1. Arctic White / S13
      #b7bfbb ΔE = 3.302 / LRV ≈ 50.9%
    2. Arctica White / 9520154
      #b0b8b9 ΔE = 3.933 / LRV ≈ 47.0%
  59. Glidden

    1. Misty Surf / PPG1034-4
      #b5c8c9 ΔE = 3.329 / LRV ≈ 55.3%
    2. Frosty Glade / PPG1146-4
      #a0c0bf ΔE = 3.534 / LRV ≈ 48.9%
  60. Behr

    1. Serenade EIC-19
      #b1bfc3 ΔE = 3.332 / LRV ≈ 50.5%
    2. Best of Times PPOC-40
      #b1c9c4 ΔE = 3.430 / LRV ≈ 55.1%
  61. Sigma

    1. Natural Green / S 3005-B80G
      #a9b7b3 ΔE = 3.442 / LRV ≈ 45.6%
    2. Cool Blue / FS206
      #bac3c6 ΔE = 4.257 / LRV ≈ 53.5%
  62. Limestrong

    1. Soapstone Shade C
      #b5bcb9 ΔE = 3.450 / LRV ≈ 49.3%
    2. Slate Shade B
      #b5b9bb ΔE = 4.858 / LRV ≈ 48.1%
  63. Dupont

    1. CAS882
      #b8c9c7 ΔE = 3.458 / LRV ≈ 56.1%
    2. CAS898
      #bbc9cb ΔE = 4.457 / LRV ≈ 56.6%
  64. Crown Paint

    1. Soft Duck Egg
      #a4c2bc ΔE = 3.485 / LRV ≈ 50.1%
    2. Carnaby
      #adc2b7 ΔE = 4.268 / LRV ≈ 50.9%
  65. ECOS Paints

    1. Whirlwind (0489)
      #bbc6c4 ΔE = 3.525 / LRV ≈ 54.9%
    2. Plunge (0701)
      #aac5bb ΔE = 4.407 / LRV ≈ 52.1%
  66. Toyo Ink

    1. CF10676
      #b5cac7 ΔE = 3.532 / LRV ≈ 56.2%
    2. CF11022
      #babcbe ΔE = 5.233 / LRV ≈ 50.1%
  67. PPG Pittsburgh Paints

    1. Tempered Steel 508-4
      #afb8b5 ΔE = 3.592 / LRV ≈ 46.7%
    2. Steel City 506-4
      #b2b9b9 ΔE = 3.778 / LRV ≈ 47.7%
  68. Evonik-Degussa

    1. 4231P Light Pewter
      #bbc3c2 ΔE = 3.594 / LRV ≈ 53.5%
    2. 3241P Lake Stone
      #b4c5c9 ΔE = 3.693 / LRV ≈ 53.9%
  69. Levis

    1. Rust
      #bac4bf ΔE = 3.606 / LRV ≈ 53.7%
    2. Atl Ombre D8
      #b8c7cc ΔE = 4.756 / LRV ≈ 55.4%
  70. Magnolia Home

    1. It Is Well / JG-76
      #aec8ca ΔE = 3.624 / LRV ≈ 54.6%
    2. Texas Summer / JG-64
      #a6beb3 ΔE = 4.619 / LRV ≈ 48.2%
  71. Porter Paints

    1. Copenhagen / 502-4
      #acc7c0 ΔE = 3.657 / LRV ≈ 53.4%
    2. Gale Force / ATC-59
      #bec8c3 ΔE = 4.582 / LRV ≈ 56.2%
  72. Alcro

    1. Isglass
      #a2c1bb ΔE = 3.755 / LRV ≈ 49.4%
    2. Ostron Parlemor
      #b4c0b5 ΔE = 4.859 / LRV ≈ 50.7%
  73. Disney

    1. DE2-3 Galactic Grey
      #bbc7c7 ΔE = 3.775 / LRV ≈ 55.5%
  74. Cloverdale Paint

    1. Mystic Lake / 8344
      #a4b6b2 ΔE = 3.791 / LRV ≈ 44.6%
    2. Bali Blue / 8266
      #a7bdc3 ΔE = 4.071 / LRV ≈ 48.5%
  75. Otokar

    1. Arcticwhite Mat / M151603
      #aeb9bc ΔE = 3.849 / LRV ≈ 47.3%
  76. Johnstone's Paint

    1. Manhattan Grey
      #b4baba ΔE = 3.863 / LRV ≈ 48.4%
  77. Valspar Paint

    1. Tropical Bay
      #a9b8b1 ΔE = 3.884 / LRV ≈ 45.9%
    2. Woodlawn Silver Brook
      #bbbdbc ΔE = 4.727 / LRV ≈ 50.6%
  78. Pascol

    1. Soft Rain PZ3140
      #bac3bd ΔE = 3.929 / LRV ≈ 53.1%
    2. Soft Rain PZ3140
      #bbc5bf ΔE = 4.050 / LRV ≈ 54.3%
  79. Hummer

    1. Athenian White / 40U
      #b1b8b5 ΔE = 3.979 / LRV ≈ 47.0%
  80. Dunn-Edwards

    1. Crestline / 1144
      #b4bcbf ΔE = 4.039 / LRV ≈ 49.4%
    2. Foil / 1323
      #c0c3c4 ΔE = 5.222 / LRV ≈ 54.2%
  81. Kansai Paint

    1. Volcanic Rock
      #bdc7c4 ΔE = 4.069 / LRV ≈ 55.7%
    2. Blue Green
      #a3b8be ΔE = 4.844 / LRV ≈ 45.8%
  82. Australian Standard AS2700

    1. N24 Silver Grey
      #bdc7c6 ΔE = 4.079 / LRV ≈ 55.7%
    2. T3 Smoke Blue
      #9eb6b1 ΔE = 4.564 / LRV ≈ 43.9%
  83. Asian Paints

    1. Silver Spring / 9473
      #a2b7ba ΔE = 4.133 / LRV ≈ 45.1%
    2. Rhinestone / 0740
      #bfc5c0 ΔE = 4.887 / LRV ≈ 54.8%
  84. Ferrari

    1. Bianco / 666039
      #bdc4c4 ΔE = 4.166 / LRV ≈ 54.3%
    2. Bianco Danimarca / 666080
      #c1c8c4 ΔE = 5.160 / LRV ≈ 56.6%
  85. Devoe Paint

    1. Bear Run / 10BG 46/112
      #9db9b5 ΔE = 4.167 / LRV ≈ 45.2%
    2. Limoges Blue / 30BG 56/045
      #bdc6c1 ΔE = 4.304 / LRV ≈ 55.1%
  86. Panther

    1. Bianco White / GL33
      #b4bfb6 ΔE = 4.192 / LRV ≈ 50.3%
  87. Jedynka

    1. Hamuszürke
      #b8bcbc ΔE = 4.224 / LRV ≈ 49.8%
    2. Pd 1177
      #b3b6b5 ΔE = 5.064 / LRV ≈ 46.4%
  88. Piaggio

    1. Bianco / 272
      #aab7b0 ΔE = 4.262 / LRV ≈ 45.5%
  89. ZAZ

    1. Edelweiss / 886417
      #a7b4b2 ΔE = 4.284 / LRV ≈ 44.1%
    2. Casablanca Weiss / 886421
      #bcc1bb ΔE = 4.807 / LRV ≈ 52.4%
  90. KILZ

    1. Dim Gray / H791
      #b9bdba ΔE = 4.294 / LRV ≈ 50.3%
    2. Beach Water / D751
      #a5bac1 ΔE = 4.860 / LRV ≈ 47.0%
  91. Setra Evo

    1. Arktisweiss / KS 4272
      #afb6b5 ΔE = 4.302 / LRV ≈ 45.9%
    2. Arktisweiss / EVO 4272
      #aeb4b2 ΔE = 4.974 / LRV ≈ 44.9%
  92. Matthews Paint

    1. Light Sage Green Met. / 23435
      #afc3b8 ΔE = 4.309 / LRV ≈ 51.6%
    2. Berries / 5783
      #a8c3c9 ΔE = 4.318 / LRV ≈ 51.6%
  93. Dr

    1. White / 108
      #bdc7c2 ΔE = 4.314 / LRV ≈ 55.6%
  94. Volvo

    1. Arctic White / MB-147
      #b1b9bc ΔE = 4.323 / LRV ≈ 47.7%
    2. Arctic White / VW-Q9A
      #c0c7c1 ΔE = 5.242 / LRV ≈ 55.9%
  95. Crown Diamond

    1. 7315-31 Blue Coral
      #b8cccb ΔE = 4.345 / LRV ≈ 57.7%
    2. 7406-31 Enchanted Flute
      #bec3c3 ΔE = 4.504 / LRV ≈ 53.9%
  96. Earthborn

    1. Nellie
      #aeb6b7 ΔE = 4.360 / LRV ≈ 45.9%
  97. Duron

    1. Halcyon Green
      #a2bcb3 ΔE = 4.365 / LRV ≈ 46.9%
    2. Interesting Aqua
      #adbec5 ΔE = 4.504 / LRV ≈ 49.7%
  98. Dutch Boy

    1. Pale Blue Spring
      #bec7c7 ΔE = 4.410 / LRV ≈ 55.9%
    2. Wichita
      #bfccca ΔE = 5.061 / LRV ≈ 58.5%
  99. Federal Standard

    1. Federal Standard 36473
      #adb5b3 ΔE = 4.416 / LRV ≈ 45.2%
    2. Federal Standard 15526
      #b4c5cc ΔE = 4.989 / LRV ≈ 54.0%
  100. Microcar

    1. Blanc / L636
      #a6b4b0 ΔE = 4.437 / LRV ≈ 43.9%
  101. Games Workshop - Citadel

    1. Stormhost Silver (Metal)
      #bbc6c9 ΔE = 4.445 / LRV ≈ 55.2%
  102. RAL

    1. RAL 180 80 05
      #bcc9c3 ΔE = 4.447 / LRV ≈ 56.4%
    2. RAL 160 80 05
      #bcc8c1 ΔE = 4.580 / LRV ≈ 55.8%
  103. Designers Guild

    1. Sage
      #afbcb2 ΔE = 4.468 / LRV ≈ 48.3%
  104. Smart

    1. Tridion Kristallweiss / CD5L
      #aab4b3 ΔE = 4.469 / LRV ≈ 44.4%
  105. AMC

    1. Frontenac Gray
      #afbcc2 ΔE = 4.474 / LRV ≈ 49.0%
    2. Silver Frost
      #b2babf ΔE = 4.955 / LRV ≈ 48.3%
  106. Bmc Sanayi

    1. Arcticweiss / MB 9147
      #aeb6b8 ΔE = 4.575 / LRV ≈ 45.9%
  107. Little Greene

    1. Celestial Blue
      #a4b4af ΔE = 4.598 / LRV ≈ 43.6%
    2. Bone China Blue Deep
      #b0b5b2 ΔE = 5.007 / LRV ≈ 45.5%
  108. Colorhouse

    1. Water .04
      #9fb4b4 ΔE = 4.629 / LRV ≈ 43.3%
  109. Sikkens

    1. KN.02.69
      #b3b9b3 ΔE = 4.675 / LRV ≈ 47.5%
    2. LN.02.67
      #b3b8b2 ΔE = 5.055 / LRV ≈ 47.1%
  110. Dulux

    1. 30BG 56/097
      #b1cbce ΔE = 4.679 / LRV ≈ 56.5%
    2. Favourite China
      #bac4c9 ΔE = 4.967 / LRV ≈ 54.1%
  111. Model Master

    1. Model Master 28013
      #a7c8cb ΔE = 4.706 / LRV ≈ 53.8%
    2. Model Master 28126
      #bac1c5 ΔE = 4.819 / LRV ≈ 52.6%
  112. Nerolac

    1. Bean Soup - 4560
      #b7c2b8 ΔE = 4.719 / LRV ≈ 52.1%
    2. Hanging Cliffs - 4285
      #aac6cd ΔE = 5.082 / LRV ≈ 53.3%
  113. Abet Laminati

    1. Grigio Perla 475
      #b8bdc0 ΔE = 4.729 / LRV ≈ 50.4%
    2. Grigio Monviso 1819
      #babfc2 ΔE = 4.794 / LRV ≈ 51.6%
  114. Teknos

    1. GBI047
      #b8bab9 ΔE = 4.811 / LRV ≈ 48.8%
    2. GBI018
      #b0b9be ΔE = 4.891 / LRV ≈ 47.6%
  115. Humbrol

    1. 247 Rlm 76 Lichtblau
      #b6cdc7 ΔE = 4.824 / LRV ≈ 57.7%
  116. Graham & Brown

    1. Taylor's Grey
      #c0c4c3 ΔE = 4.884 / LRV ≈ 54.6%
  117. Coo-Var

    1. Stirling Grey
      #acb9af ΔE = 4.897 / LRV ≈ 46.6%
  118. SAO

    1. Apollo White / ZZN
      #b9beb7 ΔE = 4.922 / LRV ≈ 50.6%
  119. Great Wall

    1. Ivory White Solid / 98
      #c0cac7 ΔE = 4.963 / LRV ≈ 57.6%
  120. New Look

    1. Cool Cat / B15-02
      #b4cacf ΔE = 4.977 / LRV ≈ 56.4%
    2. Strike the Stars / B15-06
      #bacecd ΔE = 5.060 / LRV ≈ 59.0%
  121. Saipa

    1. White / 87W0716
      #a4b2b2 ΔE = 5.009 / LRV ≈ 42.9%
    2. White / 87W0628
      #bec5be ΔE = 5.062 / LRV ≈ 54.6%
  122. Dacia

    1. Alb Alpin White / QNA
      #b2b6b3 ΔE = 5.012 / LRV ≈ 46.2%
  123. Plascon

    1. Bleached Meadow Y7-E2-3
      #b4c4b8 ΔE = 5.035 / LRV ≈ 52.6%
  124. Mylands of London

    1. Silver
      #b8bdc1 ΔE = 5.094 / LRV ≈ 50.4%
  125. Caparol

    1. 78 5 120 / Moos 50
      #acbcb0 ΔE = 5.098 / LRV ≈ 47.9%
    2. Tibet 15
      #a4c0c8 ΔE = 5.190 / LRV ≈ 49.8%
  126. Testors

    1. Testors 1181
      #bdc0c2 ΔE = 5.103 / LRV ≈ 52.4%
  127. Color Truck Guide

    1. Ce-Sa002.07
      #bdc2bb ΔE = 5.175 / LRV ≈ 53.0%
  128. BYD Auto

    1. Shine White Solid / W-20
      #c1cac9 ΔE = 5.185 / LRV ≈ 57.8%
  129. Probe

    1. Accuride White / ZMGA
      #b8bdb5 ΔE = 5.231 / LRV ≈ 49.9%

#adc0be HTML / CSS Code Examples

#adc0be foreground

I don't say everything, but I paint everything.

            <p style="color: #adc0be">…</p>          

#adc0be background

The longer you look at an object, the more abstract it becomes, and, ironically, the more real.

            <p style="background-color: #adc0be">…</p>          

#adc0be shadow

Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.

            <p style="text-shadow: 0.1em 0.1em 0.15em #adc0be">…</p>          

Color Charts

  • RGB


  • CMYK


  • RYB


Color Space Conversions

10101101, 11000000, 10111110
≈ 50.3%
Closest short hex
#abb ΔE = 1.988
rgb(173, 192, 190)
rgba(173, 192, 190, 1.0)
rg chromaticity
r: 0.312, g: 0.346, b: 0.342
red: 67.843%, yellow: 71.776%, blue: 75.294%
Android /
-5390146 / 0xffadc0be
hsl(174, 13%, 72%)
hsla(174, 13%, 72%, 1.0)
hue: 174° (173.684), saturation: 10% (0.099), value: 75% (0.753)
hue: 173.684, saturation: 9.896%, perceived brightness: 73.054%
H: 183.568, S: 17.040, L: 76.253
H: -194.514, S: 0.148, L: 0.730
T: -1.388, S: 0.034, L: 0.730
cyan: 10% (0.099), magenta: 0% (0.000), yellow: 1% (0.010), key: 25% (0.247)
cyan: 32% (0.322), magenta: 25% (0.247), yellow: 25% (0.255)
X: 45.375, Y: 50.300, Z: 56.024
x: 0.299, y: 0.332, Y: 50.300
L: 76.253, a: -6.865, b: -1.206
L: 76.253, u: -10.239, v: -0.638
L: 76.253, C: 6.970, H: 189.961
L: 76.253, C: 10.259, H: 183.568
L: 70.923, a: -9.913, b: 2.811
J: 68.372, C: 11.547, h: 193.544, Q: 162.910, M: 10.098, s: 24.897, H: 244.420
lightness: -10.076, jaune: -0.298, green: 1.418
L: 45.762, M: 53.801, S: 55.914
Y: 175.849, Cb: 129.934, Cr: 119.801
Y: 186.750, Cg: 5.250, Co: 39.000
Y: 186.091, Db: 5.884, Dr: 24.893
Y: 187.809, Pb: 1.185, Pr: -9.408
Y: 177.295, Cb: 129.041, Cr: 119.736
Y: 186.091, I: -10.676, Q: -4.640
Y: 186.091, U: 1.925, V: -11.485
Munsell Color System
2.5B 7/2 ΔE = 3.248
Brand Color
Vimeo ΔE = 13.161

Random Colors

  • #389b84
  • #6f1fba
  • #2b7dbc
  • #238d41
  • #20fc0e


  • #982925
  • #bc461f
  • #d7c1c1
  • #eab0ac
  • #622812


  • #698a37
  • #31511d
  • #54e42b
  • #6eeb51
  • #98c781


  • #363f5c
  • #5f64c8
  • #505ac2
  • #14155c
  • #819edf

Wedgewood Gray Bedroom


Wedgewood Gray Bedroom Wedgewood Gray Bedroom Reviewed by vanessa on Desember 03, 2021 Rating: 5

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